
Data Management

Donor relationships suffer when data is mismanaged. Break the cycle of bad data with best-in-class data management practices. Deliver premium donor experiences that result in a higher ROI.  

Augmentation & Appends

Discover and unlock new strategies within your data environment. Unlock new potential for connecting with donors. Drive results. All by way of more full data.

Data Governance

Data governance is the foundation of your data ecosystem. Minimize inconsistent and incorrect data by documenting the people, policies and platforms involved in your organization’s data processes.

Data Hygiene

Poor data hygiene can directly impact your fundraising results. Our proprietary data hygiene programs keep your file in shape for whatever strategies you have in place—whether that’s personalization, segmentation or more.

Data Processing

Better personalize experiences and foster better engagement with a partner who can help you maintain hygiene and strength in your data. Our processing approach integrates across systems, channels and segmentation so that you can optimize your marketing in all channels.

Data Warehousing

Your donor data lives in many places. Create a single source of truth to understand donor behavior across channels. Integrate your donor data in a secure warehouse customized to your needs.


Advanced merge/purge processes improve your list performance, reduce duplicates and optimize donor experiences.


Donors move all the time. With our National Change of Address and Proprietary Change of Address services, never miss a donor because you had their home address wrong.

Segmentation & Selection

Maximize your net revenue with segmentation and selection services that help you identify where to mail–and where to reinvest savings in other revenue-generating activities.

Customer Data Platform

Centralize your data from siloes into one platform so that you can see a single donor view for each user. Our approach allows you to build audiences across data variables and activate data to orchestrate individualized interactions.

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